Layer in Style

Oct 11, 2019 at 02:34 pm by adminjen

By Dick Shipley

Whether it’s the boardroom or the big game, you’re going to want to look the part this season. As a southern gentleman, you are in luck: today’s fabrics are geared towards us, as air-wools and light-weight tweeds are more popular than coaching searches in Knoxville! In the fall, your clothing needs to exude character, and here are some ideas to give it - and you - just that.

As the mercury falls, you don’t want to wear that same suit you had on in July: it doesn’t look right, it feels tired, and it gets worn-looking in a hurry. Fortunately, due to innovative textiles, you can wear pin-stripes and plaids with fulling (flannel) textures without being uncomfortable in our milder fall/winter climates. If you have the suit basics covered - or wear your suits to make a statement - bold plaids and window-panes are strong; and great “less serious” shades of blue remain strong again this fall. If you want to give it that sophisticated look, don’t shy from the ever venerable three-piece look, as you power it across the goal-line with a lapel-ed vest. If your offensive coordinator calls the right play, you can even integrate that piece with a sport coat, or shirt and jeans, in another setting. To complete the look, don't fumble on the one yard line: your hosiery and footwear are critical to the discerning dresser. Have some fun and personality - try a brighter than normal pattern with your socks, and look sartorially resplendent wearing brown shoes with blues and grays. A suede lace-up is the perfect addition to the fall wardrobe, regardless of the field position.


The sport coat has become the indispensable garment in the gentleman's wardrobe: not uptight, but appropriate in most settings, it is especially strong here in the south, and particularly in Music City. Again, there are new light-weight tweeds with traditional patterns, coupled with new colorations of earth and strong hues, that are perfect for business and pleasure. For that great casually elegant look, try a fitted three-button jacket with open patch pockets, and feel free to dress it up or down. Carry the play with either light flannel trousers, or jeans, every southern gentleman should have a great pair of corduroys, and a brushed khaki pant. These will  stabilize and give balance to your look, particularly if you want to show some real style, and throw a patterned shirt on with your sport coat.


Nothing says fall for a sartorially well-heeled southern gentleman more than the look of layered clothing (well, except maybe football!). There is much more to the art of it, though, than just putting on a bunch of misaligned clothes. What is important in the look is to keep the textures consistent: refrain from year-round fabrics (hard finishes), and incorporate a softer, brushed look of depth and character. Again, the lighter weight tweeds in sport coats and vests will allow you to finish the look without losing your cool. While this is serious stuff, remember to approach it with a little whimsy. And while the patterned shirt together with a patterned jacket is stabilized with a solid (still textured) trouser or jean, you can turn it around with a deep blue chambray shirt and solid camel jacket, with a window-pane vest (an ideal component from a three-piece suit purchase!), along with a pair of 10 oz. flannel wool glen plaid trousers. Make sure you used a draft pick on those brown suede shoes, that ideally have a lugged sole - perfect in good weather, and bad. Together, it’s the perfect play.


If this fashion thing is a game you hate to play, it’s probably because you fielded the wrong players. Invest in a well-fitted, patterned suit; a gun-barrel checked sport coat, along with a vicuña colored camel hair jacket; some hunter green corduroy trousers, and start building a roster! Fit and quality are the winning strategy. Just remember to go bold with patterns and textures, and mix your colors. You’ll look like a pro.


Tags: After a Fashion Boston Louie's custom suits Dick Shipley fall layers sports coats your williamson
Sections: LIFESTYLE A Southern Gentleman Is Fashionable YOU