Letter From the Publisher: Winter 2022

Jan 24, 2022 at 11:17 am by RMGadmin

Dear Readers,

As the year begins, so do all the plans, goals and lists of do better’s and do this... Ahhh it’s all so satisfying when you make those heartfelt and truly intended lists and goals (let’s not use that word resolution). And then… BOOM! As is usual, in life, it turns upside down, throws you a curveball and makes all those lists seem so irrelevant because hey, you are just trying to get through a day! 

As I pen this issue’s letter, my family and I are all quarantined together with Covid. An unplanned and unwelcome distraction that WAS NOT on the list! One might think that since it is almost Valentine’s Day, I might muse on the sweetness and loving feelings of getting to spend all this quality time together…but no. That is not where I am headed, sweet readers. Takeaways from this would be how you react and respond to situations will define you. So far, I am not freaking out or falling apart; what happens next will be what makes or breaks you. Johnny and I fully intend to disinfect, get it together, be back running uphill on Monday and get these kids back to their normal as well. Because, let’s face it, people, normal is pretty okay. 

On the love side of things, I will throw out my own homage to those furry Valentines we all love - Talulllah and Eliza Doolittle - we adore you. Our issue features animals you can take home with you and love this year – courtesy of our friends at WCAC. You know the saying, “you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat an animal.” Well, if this community’s support of the new shelter for WCAC is any indication – we have a lot of really good people in this community. But then, we knew that!

Happy New Year, Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Normal to you! Break those resolutions, throw away the lists and breathe. Life will throw you curveballs. So, be ready, dust off and get back to normal. It really IS the sunny side of the street. 

Shelly Robertson Birdsong

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