JB: How long have you lived in Williamson County? What do you love about it?
KM: Linda and I relocated to Franklin in 2004 when I retired from my orthopedic practice. I loved Linda’s stories of growing up in Franklin and how special it was. I love the history, the people, and the energy of the City and County.
JB: Aside from work and leading, what do you enjoy doing with your time?
KM: I really enjoy my work as the Mayor but love to decompress with travel, fine dining, and GOLF!
JB: What initially motivated you to enter the political arena, especially considering your medical background?
KM: A series of things happened to move me into the political world. I was approached to help with some bills with the Tennessee General Assembly, and Lamar Alexander asked me to raise money from doctors for his Presidential election.
JB: What is your vision for the city in the next four years, and how do you plan to make that vision a reality?
KM: I want to keep Franklin that special place where people want to live, work, and raise their families. This means working on many aspects of what a city does, such as being a safe community that offers great services. I plan to continue focusing on our housing and transportation needs, updating our ten-year capital project plan and our strategic plan, including input from our board, staff, and citizens.
JB: What is the biggest challenge you thought you would have in your very first term as City Mayor versus this current term as City Mayor?
KM: The biggest challenge of my first term was learning how to be Mayor and the tremendous learning curve. The current challenge is a bit different since I am focusing on balancing our growth and preserving our history and the challenges that they create.
JB: What do you feel has been your most impactful achievement, personally and professionally?
KM: Personally, I have to give a lot of credit to my wife, Linda. She is a great partner and confidant. My career has been blessed with many opportunities and blessings, too numerous to list. I am proud of many things that I have been involved but really focus more on what is next rather than what has been.
JB: What motivates you every day?
KM: I love learning and can’t wait to see the challenges for the day.
JB: Do you have a motto you live by?
KM: What better rule than the Golden Rule? Every major religion has a similar statement in its doctrine.
JB: What advice would you give the younger generation today and what would you tell your younger self?
KM: My father told me when I went into practice to give back to the community where you are living. I hope he would be proud of my record of giving back. My message to our citizens is, “Get involved in some form or fashion.”
JB: What do you feel it is to be a gentleman, and what traits does a Southern Gentleman embrace?
KM: Manners and truthfulness.
Being a true gentleman is something I strive to be every day. I learned and continue to learn what makes a true gentleman from men who are role models for me and, hopefully, my sons. Thank you, Mr. Ken Moore, for being a role model for all who know you. I am thankful to know you and grateful for your commitment to leading our city.
Happy Thanksgiving!