Heart of the Community
With Williamson Health

Family, friends and community are at the heart of the holiday season—but at Williamson Health, supporting our neighbors is at the heart of everything we do year-round.
Williamson Health has been an integral part of Williamson County since 1958, building our award-winning reputation on a tradition of authenticity and exceptional care. As we close out this year, we’re proud to reflect on the partnerships we have with other community organizations who are making a difference in Williamson County by highlighting a few of those organizations and some of the many ways Williamson Health supports them throughout the year.
GRACEWORKS has provided food, shelter and support for neighbors in need for nearly 30 years. The organization’s 25th Turkey Trot Race, held on November 23rd, was sponsored by Williamson Health, which joins more than 3,000 walkers and runners in this annual tradition of neighbor serving neighbor. One of the many other ways Williamson Health supports GraceWorks is through the holiday manger program, which offers a free Christmas gift-shopping experience for low-income families. Learn more at graceworkstn.org.
WILLIAMSON, INC., and the SPRING HILL CHAMBER help to drive the economic success for Williamson County and Spring Hill communities, respectively. Williamson Health is a leading supporter of both groups and their work to enhance the business environment and enrich the well-being of residents. Through its sponsorship of the chambers’ women-in-business luncheons, expos, small business summits and more, Williamson Health proudly showcases its premier facilities and compassionate staff. Learn more at williamsonchamber.com and springhillchamber.com.
BLOOD ASSURANCE is the sole provider of lifesaving blood products to Williamson Medical Center. The Tennessee-based blood bank collects donations year-round at its local offices and through monthly blood drives held on the hospital campus. Each unit of blood can potentially save three lives! Blood products provided by donors can also benefit cancer patients, trauma victims and premature babies and are used for surgical needs. Learn more at bloodassurance.org.
FRANKLIN TOMORROW is helping to keep Franklin special for future generations. Williamson Health is a sustaining partner of community programs with Franklin Tomorrow that help to illuminate the issues facing our community. Through the monthly FrankTalks lecture series, a quarterly Breakfast with the Mayors, GetFit Franklin, Mayors Cup and more, Franklin Tomorrow provides citizens with opportunities to engage, collaborate and advocate toward a shared vision. Learn more at franklintomorrow.org.
MERCY COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE provides complete primary healthcare for every patient and family. This nonprofit offers a sliding scale, self-pay program to assist those who are uninsured or under-insured. Williamson Medical Center, the flagship hospital of Williamson Health, has been a long-time sponsor of the Mercy Franklin Classic, among many other Mercy initiatives throughout the year. This community celebration is held every Labor Day and attracts thousands of walkers and runners to Franklin. Williamson Health also partners with the American Heart Association to provide blood pressure cuffs for Mercy patients to monitor their symptoms and supported Mercy’s Silver Gala in November which celebrated the nonprofit’s 25th anniversary. Learn more at mercytn.org.
In this holiday season—and every season—Williamson Health is honored to support organizations that uplift our neighbors and strengthen our community. We’re looking forward to continuing these partnerships in the new year, helping to foster health, connection and opportunity for our friends and neighbors in Williamson County. Learn more about Williamson Health at williamsonhealth.org.